You nailed it Bruce, thank you for the article. That was something I needed to read right about now. I’m glad there are other Canadians who are thinking the same way as most of us (except for the brainwashed and NDP supporters… I guess they are considered one in the same)here in Alberta. Canada needs a good cage rattling. Trumps tactic right now along with the separation of Alberta would turn this broken country and system on its head. I am beyond tired of this status quo, dictatorship that has sunk our once proud nation into chaos and made us the laughing stock of the world. Green economy, financing gender ideology and rainbow crosswalks in every obscure third world country,financial support for teaching foreign citizens how to not defecate on the beaches, meanwhile we are taxed into poverty and homelessness in our own country to finance this nonsensical agenda. Trudeaus “sunny ways” have devastated us. Now they use their broken corrupt system to bring in an Unelected Carnage Carney to deliver the coup de grace to Canada. We have been played Canada.. it’s time that the whole system is burned to the ground. There’s no way we make it past the next few years as any reasonable facsimile of a free country. It’s long past time for a change Canada.
Bruce, interesting article. I too am 20+ year expat Ontarian. Have long said that Alberta should be its own despite the “Landlocked” B S argument; Switzerland is far more physically landlocked than Alberta ever will be. The bigger issue is the landlocked “MIND” of significant part of our population. Have you ever checked out ?
I concur completely with your assessment of Canada and why Alberta should leave. Just yesterday I was watching a Rebel News report with Alexa LaVoie polling people in Quebec about the Energy East pipeline. Many, particularly oldster will opposed it for 'environmental reasons' or because they were against oil. Legault was asked as well, and banged on about social responsibility... again anti-pipeline. These idiots who hate oil and pipelines so much sure don't getting the millions and millions in equalization payments from Alberta because of its oil though. Such hypocrites and selfish fools. I keep saying I am going to move to Alberta, and I think I will, if Carney win's the next election. Because then Canada will be finished and the only hope Canadian's will have is an independent of American Alberta.
It kills me watching my parents and in-laws all be propagandized and completely brain washed. Completely unwilling to hear any other view. Being enraged by everything orange man bad. And we are in central Alberta.. I can’t unsee or un know what I’ve experienced since 2020 kills me to have the people who raised me and taught me how to think critically and trust my gut feeling all turn on me for doing exactly that. None of what’s been taking place requires a rocket appliantist to figure out what’s real or true. Leaving only wilful blindness wilful amnesia and down right ignorance to be the cause of all this nonsense.
It is the ultimate irony that the crude, vulgar bully from the U.S. has shone a spectacular spotlight on the failings of this country. Once the derangement eases we may come to view the recent upheaval as an unintentional gift to Canadians. For possibly the very first time, our dèep foundational flaws have been laid bare for all to see. My profoundest wish is that our traditional blind faith, trust and complacency can no longer survive.
Thank you for this excellent piece. Our fellow Albertans need to read it. I am done with the Laurentian elites and so ready to join the land of the free and the home of the brave. 51st state, please!
Damn! Absolutely on point! As a once proud Canadian and Albertan, this right here is 💯 accurate! Thank you for this! It has been amazing to watch since trump the ability to have an opinion is coming back!! Maybe just maybe we can have a country to feel proud of again! Clean the slate of this disastrous liberal gong show.
And now the emperor in waiting, Mark Carney, says that it would be possible to extend the Liberal government's rein beyond five years, clearly and deliberately misinterpreting the law in order to do so. And yet he is gaining on the polls. I cant understand how a majority of Canadians are still willing to vote Liberal. That is just likely to be the proverbial straw that breaks Alberta's back. Mine also
As a current Albertan, born New Brunswicker I have to agree wholeheartedly. I have been trying to decide which State I would call home if the Lieberals manage to cheat themselves to another term. This country can not afford that. The people can not afford that. We are clinging to the cliff by our fingertips now. We are not the only country in the world with some of these problems, but we along with those shared by others, have our horrible British system of government that hangs like a millstone around the country’s neck. Venezuela and Italy have course corrected. Under Trump the US is quickly course correcting. Covid has shown that our Laurentian elites are really just a subset of the Global elites that plague the planet. One of whom is the Monarch that this country refuses to ditch. The siphoning off of Canadian wealth is not being done by a spigot but by a fire hose. The 51st State of Alberta is looking pretty enticing.
We NEED A declaration of INDEPENDENCE for all of Canada. 🇨🇦. You see now we are bearing the evils of those. That left the USA and were Loyalists. When Americans decided that they had enough of an overbearing King they acted on it. And with that came those that did not want to fight the King. And behold. They came to Canada 🇨🇦. So we are reaping those that implicated us into the Monarchy. That is why those Liberals are so hard to remove by those very lazy woke dependent government lovers!! Where Americans wanted INDEPENDENCE. At any cost!!! So we need this for all of Canada!🍁
We here in the States would of course welcome patriotic newcomers. You'd just have tp guard against our lefties migrating up to your area and screwing it up california style.
I was born and raised in BC and lived there for the first 30 years of my life. Back then it was common knowledge how important Alberta was to the country as a whole. I've lived in a few other provinces now and have traveled from coast to coast but have been an Albertan for the past 18 years. I still love my country but we increasingly seem to be part of a country that hates us and wants us gone. I can't tell you often I hear ever growing anti-Alberta sentiment coming my way online from people in other provinces. This appears to very much be led by our federal government who frequently demonizes us and maligns our interests, minimizing and denigrating the major impact Alberta has on the country. The US seems to be open to offering us a much better deal than our fellow Canadians are. It wouldn't all be pink roses and unicorns, of course, but it might be time to run into the arms of someone who actually wants us and sees the value of our province instead of staying with the abusive partner who doesn't.
How can a province decide to leave Canada ? That is, what hoops need to be jumped through ? Quebec has threatened numerous times, with no intent of follow thru. Alberta and Saskatchewan are different. Ottawa has no respect for anything but the globalist agenda. Is the only recourse for them to take up the offer from Trump ? Would that save them from the political quagmire we find Canada to be in ?
The Clarity act laid out the steps which essentially required a referendum on a clear question agreed to by parliament. This is followed by negotiation with the federal government on the division of assets and a constitutional amendment. Quebec paved the way.
Or, you know, we could vote for a party that stands for heavy decentralization, removing red tape from interprovincial trade, and focus on harnessing our natural resources to its fullest potential.
I know it's a pipe dream because us Canucks are as risk-averse as Hollywood is, but here's a thought; come the upcoming election instead of ticking the CPC box in your ballot, tick the PPC one.
It's that easy.
And if enough of us do it, then the "PPC has no chance of winning", actually becomes a win.
Not that simple. I don't think there's a quick political fix without an internal revolution of the Canadian mindset. If the PPC were to get elected they'd have to fight the Laurentian elite who won't give up their power base carefully curated and maintained for centuries going back to the HBC's activities.
You nailed it Bruce, thank you for the article. That was something I needed to read right about now. I’m glad there are other Canadians who are thinking the same way as most of us (except for the brainwashed and NDP supporters… I guess they are considered one in the same)here in Alberta. Canada needs a good cage rattling. Trumps tactic right now along with the separation of Alberta would turn this broken country and system on its head. I am beyond tired of this status quo, dictatorship that has sunk our once proud nation into chaos and made us the laughing stock of the world. Green economy, financing gender ideology and rainbow crosswalks in every obscure third world country,financial support for teaching foreign citizens how to not defecate on the beaches, meanwhile we are taxed into poverty and homelessness in our own country to finance this nonsensical agenda. Trudeaus “sunny ways” have devastated us. Now they use their broken corrupt system to bring in an Unelected Carnage Carney to deliver the coup de grace to Canada. We have been played Canada.. it’s time that the whole system is burned to the ground. There’s no way we make it past the next few years as any reasonable facsimile of a free country. It’s long past time for a change Canada.
100% and to the power ten!
Bruce, interesting article. I too am 20+ year expat Ontarian. Have long said that Alberta should be its own despite the “Landlocked” B S argument; Switzerland is far more physically landlocked than Alberta ever will be. The bigger issue is the landlocked “MIND” of significant part of our population. Have you ever checked out ?
I am an Albertan and I am 100% in agreement with every word written here. I sure wish you lived here. Thanks for this!!
I concur completely with your assessment of Canada and why Alberta should leave. Just yesterday I was watching a Rebel News report with Alexa LaVoie polling people in Quebec about the Energy East pipeline. Many, particularly oldster will opposed it for 'environmental reasons' or because they were against oil. Legault was asked as well, and banged on about social responsibility... again anti-pipeline. These idiots who hate oil and pipelines so much sure don't getting the millions and millions in equalization payments from Alberta because of its oil though. Such hypocrites and selfish fools. I keep saying I am going to move to Alberta, and I think I will, if Carney win's the next election. Because then Canada will be finished and the only hope Canadian's will have is an independent of American Alberta.
Oh those con artists will 💯 be imposing Carney upon us all. This country is in a bad way.
You are so right,
It kills me watching my parents and in-laws all be propagandized and completely brain washed. Completely unwilling to hear any other view. Being enraged by everything orange man bad. And we are in central Alberta.. I can’t unsee or un know what I’ve experienced since 2020 kills me to have the people who raised me and taught me how to think critically and trust my gut feeling all turn on me for doing exactly that. None of what’s been taking place requires a rocket appliantist to figure out what’s real or true. Leaving only wilful blindness wilful amnesia and down right ignorance to be the cause of all this nonsense.
It is the ultimate irony that the crude, vulgar bully from the U.S. has shone a spectacular spotlight on the failings of this country. Once the derangement eases we may come to view the recent upheaval as an unintentional gift to Canadians. For possibly the very first time, our dèep foundational flaws have been laid bare for all to see. My profoundest wish is that our traditional blind faith, trust and complacency can no longer survive.
Thank you for this excellent piece. Our fellow Albertans need to read it. I am done with the Laurentian elites and so ready to join the land of the free and the home of the brave. 51st state, please!
Agreed - and Saskatchewan can be the 52nd:
OR...we could join together and become ...I dunno....the state of TexNorth...oil gas and potash.....
Damn! Absolutely on point! As a once proud Canadian and Albertan, this right here is 💯 accurate! Thank you for this! It has been amazing to watch since trump the ability to have an opinion is coming back!! Maybe just maybe we can have a country to feel proud of again! Clean the slate of this disastrous liberal gong show.
And now the emperor in waiting, Mark Carney, says that it would be possible to extend the Liberal government's rein beyond five years, clearly and deliberately misinterpreting the law in order to do so. And yet he is gaining on the polls. I cant understand how a majority of Canadians are still willing to vote Liberal. That is just likely to be the proverbial straw that breaks Alberta's back. Mine also
Canada is doomed to it's fate, time to close the door and leave these people to live in what their collective consciousness has created for them.
well " Empire".. will just have to do without Albertas equalization...well be GONE.!! we cant take the abuse anymore....we just cant.
As a current Albertan, born New Brunswicker I have to agree wholeheartedly. I have been trying to decide which State I would call home if the Lieberals manage to cheat themselves to another term. This country can not afford that. The people can not afford that. We are clinging to the cliff by our fingertips now. We are not the only country in the world with some of these problems, but we along with those shared by others, have our horrible British system of government that hangs like a millstone around the country’s neck. Venezuela and Italy have course corrected. Under Trump the US is quickly course correcting. Covid has shown that our Laurentian elites are really just a subset of the Global elites that plague the planet. One of whom is the Monarch that this country refuses to ditch. The siphoning off of Canadian wealth is not being done by a spigot but by a fire hose. The 51st State of Alberta is looking pretty enticing.
This is so succinct! I share your thoughts and I thank you for writing them down for us.
We NEED A declaration of INDEPENDENCE for all of Canada. 🇨🇦. You see now we are bearing the evils of those. That left the USA and were Loyalists. When Americans decided that they had enough of an overbearing King they acted on it. And with that came those that did not want to fight the King. And behold. They came to Canada 🇨🇦. So we are reaping those that implicated us into the Monarchy. That is why those Liberals are so hard to remove by those very lazy woke dependent government lovers!! Where Americans wanted INDEPENDENCE. At any cost!!! So we need this for all of Canada!🍁
Loving hearing the echo of the Buffalo Declaration in your peice! I'd wager the sentiment extends to a few other western provinces.
Well Done Bruce!!
Let's hope this gains traction.
We here in the States would of course welcome patriotic newcomers. You'd just have tp guard against our lefties migrating up to your area and screwing it up california style.
Time for Alberta to go. Let me know when and I’ll be right there.
I was born and raised in BC and lived there for the first 30 years of my life. Back then it was common knowledge how important Alberta was to the country as a whole. I've lived in a few other provinces now and have traveled from coast to coast but have been an Albertan for the past 18 years. I still love my country but we increasingly seem to be part of a country that hates us and wants us gone. I can't tell you often I hear ever growing anti-Alberta sentiment coming my way online from people in other provinces. This appears to very much be led by our federal government who frequently demonizes us and maligns our interests, minimizing and denigrating the major impact Alberta has on the country. The US seems to be open to offering us a much better deal than our fellow Canadians are. It wouldn't all be pink roses and unicorns, of course, but it might be time to run into the arms of someone who actually wants us and sees the value of our province instead of staying with the abusive partner who doesn't.
Thank you for this article.
How can a province decide to leave Canada ? That is, what hoops need to be jumped through ? Quebec has threatened numerous times, with no intent of follow thru. Alberta and Saskatchewan are different. Ottawa has no respect for anything but the globalist agenda. Is the only recourse for them to take up the offer from Trump ? Would that save them from the political quagmire we find Canada to be in ?
The Clarity act laid out the steps which essentially required a referendum on a clear question agreed to by parliament. This is followed by negotiation with the federal government on the division of assets and a constitutional amendment. Quebec paved the way.
Check out The Alberta Prosperity Project.
Or, you know, we could vote for a party that stands for heavy decentralization, removing red tape from interprovincial trade, and focus on harnessing our natural resources to its fullest potential.
I know it's a pipe dream because us Canucks are as risk-averse as Hollywood is, but here's a thought; come the upcoming election instead of ticking the CPC box in your ballot, tick the PPC one.
It's that easy.
And if enough of us do it, then the "PPC has no chance of winning", actually becomes a win.
I know I will.
Not that simple. I don't think there's a quick political fix without an internal revolution of the Canadian mindset. If the PPC were to get elected they'd have to fight the Laurentian elite who won't give up their power base carefully curated and maintained for centuries going back to the HBC's activities.